Sunday, November 13, 2011

Observation #3 November 10th

To follow up on this whole nematode issue, I spotted it this time. But it couldnt bury itself fast enough, I lost it and couldn't find it again. I was uncessfully able to document this nematode with a picture. In this observation the amount of life was still very low. I believe it could have had something to do with adding tap water to the microaquarium rather than more of water directly from my source. This time I found a thread like piece of debri, it was blue and could have very well been a piece of thread. I noticed a bunch of thin, rope like structures, which were rhizoids on moss. I found eplaxis, and an Oscillatoria (pg 187 Prescott). Also i discovered a Bodo (pg 46 Thorp&Covich) along with an Amoeba (pg48 Thorp&Covich). Another thing that could have effected the amount of life in my aquarium is the small amount of soil in mine compared to others. Below I have added pictures and videos.

Observation #2 November 8th

Due to my work schedule it had been a week or so since I had las observed my microaquarium. Last time I had found a nematode and was not able to get a good photo of it. This time I scanned the soil multiple times and could not find the nematode. I was disappointed. However I did come across an organism called the The Centrohelid Heleozoa which is under the genus Heterophyrus. During this observation I noticed my percentage of life had decreased since the first observation and setup. It is upsetting to not see as much activity as others, but I suppose this is all part of the experiment. Below I've attached a picture of the Heterophyrus.